FriedEggs Podcast
FriedEggs Podcast
Episode 2: How to stay sane while waiting for egg retrieval results

Episode 2: How to stay sane while waiting for egg retrieval results

Plus the one time Amy did her IVF shots at a '90s-themed party

Hi friends!

We are beyond grateful for the support and love we have received after dropping our first episode last week. Your texts, comments, social shares, and ratings on Apple/Spotify left us feeling so loved and supported. It’s safe to say: we’re actually doing this—so thank you for being one of our first listeners!

Also: We’re now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! Please “follow” and “rate” the show on these platforms to help us reach a wider audience. 🫶


Show notes:

Today’s episode was originally recorded in March. We chat egg retrieval results, the cost/benefit of telling everyone you’re doing IVF, and how to set expectations with your doctors.

Disclaimer: The content provided in this episode of FriedEggs Podcast is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. It should not be considered medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized medical guidance and treatment. The views and opinions expressed by our guests and hosts are their own.

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