FriedEggs Podcast
FriedEggs Podcast
Episode 4: Getting benched by a cyst & unpacking the shame of spending money on IVF

Episode 4: Getting benched by a cyst & unpacking the shame of spending money on IVF

Buckle up, this one is 🌶️🔥!

Episode 04 is here, and we’re diving into the unforeseen costs of IVF, specifically the extra fees for canceled cycles (wtf!) and how society often shames women for spending money on fertility treatments. We also talk gut feelings, how to trust your own voice, and a new diagnosis: ovarian cysts.

Buckle up! It’s a good one. As always, love to you all. If you’re on this infertility/IVF journey too, you’re doing great and you’ve got this. xo


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Intro music by FogChaser


Fact Check:

Disclaimer: The content provided in this episode of FriedEggs Podcast is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. It should not be considered medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized medical guidance and treatment. The views and opinions expressed by our guests and hosts are their own.

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